Monday, June 8, 2009

Kmart Doubles Shopping Trip!

So the 10 coupons per person per day rule is a bummer but thankfully I talked my husband into going with me! I paid my 10 items first and it printed a $3 catalina :) which I wasn't expecting and then my husband paid for his items and used my catalina! I was able to buy the following items for just $5.58 and got a FREE movie ticket thanks to the Axe promotion! Without coupons this could have cost $74.14! I will also tell you that the cashier gave me an additional credit by mistake of around $6.00---I was honest and told her and she couldn't figure out how to fix it and told me she was going to leave it as is! Now I ask you...Is it worth clipping coupons???

Buy 3 participating Axe products to get a FREE movie ticket catalina!

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